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School Exercise Books

A Complex Source for a History of the Approach to Schooling and Education in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Testi in italiano e in inglese

59,50 € 70,00

La pubblicazione raccoglie i contributi del simposio internazionale tenutosi a Macerata dal 26 al 29 settembre 2007 sul quaderno di scuola in età contemporanea, visto sia come un aiuto fondamentale all’insegnamento sia come una fonte unica per esplorare la cultura della scuola e l’approccio alla formazione in un determinato contesto storico. I quaderni possono dirci molto sulla storia della scuola e dell’educazione, sui metodi di insegnamento e la lingua, sui progetti educativi e le politiche che i vari stati nazionali hanno cercato di attuare nel corso del XIX e XX secolo.
Contributi nelle lingue originali: italiano, inglese, francese, spagnolo. Abstract in inglese.
Contributi di: Onorato Grassi, Roberto Sani, Juri Meda, Davide Montino, Antonio Castillo Gómez, Silvina Gvirtz, Marina Larrondo, Evelyne Hery, Marisa Trigari, Fabio Caffarena, Barbara Salotti, Patrizia Zamperlin, Teresa Dolfi, Mario Squadroni, Elena D’Ambrosio, Pompeo Vagliani, Francesca Pizzigoni, Michela D’Alessio, Milena Cossetto, Annemarie Augschöll, Daniela Brighigni, Horst Schiffler, Luis Vidigal, Guida Maria Aguiar de Carvalho, Verónica Sierra Blas, María del Mar del Pozo Andrés, Bienvenido Martín Fraile, Isabel Ramos Ruiz, José María Hernández Díaz, Xavier Laborda, Héctor Rubén Cucuzza, Monica Galfré, Luigi Marrella, Fabio Targhetta, Elisabeth Erdmann, Matthias Huth, Alla Salnikova, Nemo Villeggia, Carla Callegari, Pablo Pineau, António Gomes Alves Ferreira, Ariclê Vechia, Ademir Valdir dos Santos, Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Pellerey, Branko Sˇusˇtar, Ana Chrystina Mignot, Francesca Tancini, Francesca Cesari, Giovanna Alatri, Francesca Gagliardo, Kira Mahamud Angulo, José Luis Hernández Huerta, Ana María Badanelli Rubio, Laura Martínez Martín, Sara Ramos Zamora, María del Carmen Fernández, Elisa Welti, Rubén Biselli, Giovanni Genovesi, Mirella D’Ascenzo, Gianluca Gabrielli, Luciana Bellatalla, Nicola S. Barbieri, Elena Marescotti, Francesca Borruso, Francesco Ascoli, Olga Rossi Cassottana, Dorena Caroli, Christian Alain Muller, Anne Werffeli, Sjaak Braster, Andreas Pehnke, Paul Aubin, Maja Nikolova, Luisa Revelli, Matilde Biondi, Alberto Barausse, Iria Tancon, Giovanna Carrarini, Quinto Antonelli, Lorenzo Cantatore, Pablo Colotta, Frederik Herman, Mélanie Surmont, Marc Depaepe, Angelo Van Gorp, Frank Simon, Tom Woodin, Daniel Lindmark, Vitaly Bezrogov, Bojana Petric´, Weiping Fang, Xia Zhao, Giordana Merlo, Walter Cesana.

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The school exercise book in the contemporary age can be seen both as an essential teaching aid and as a formidable tool for communication, thus as a unique source for exploring school culture and the approach to education in a given historical context. From cover to content, and including the codification process in its capacity as a material object, the school exercise book can tell us a great deal about the history of school and education, about teaching methods and language, and about the educational projects and policies that the various nation states sought to implement in the 19th and 20th centuries. Within that framework, the history of education and literacy goes hand in hand with the history of educational ideas and of concrete educational practice, offering hitherto unexplored scenarios for research. These proceedings – which include papers submitted by scholars from Europe, America and the Far East – offer a broad panorama of the potential of such a complex source with its wealth of implications. They represent a corpus of study and enquiry based on a truly exhaustive and complete range of methods and tools of investigation. The exercise book seen as a vessel for writing, as a testimonial of educational practice as implemented by teachers, and as an essential part of the political and cultural socialisation pursued in schools, helps us to focus the historical and educational dynamic on the relationships that impart concrete substance to the rapport between educational theory, teachers, institutes of education and education policy on the one hand, and the real-life players who experienced those relationships in the first person. English Text.
Papers in original languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish. Abstracts in English.
Articles by: Onorato Grassi, Roberto Sani, Juri Meda, Davide Montino, Antonio Castillo Gómez, Silvina Gvirtz, Marina Larrondo, Evelyne Hery, Marisa Trigari, Fabio Caffarena, Barbara Salotti, Patrizia Zamperlin, Teresa Dolfi, Mario Squadroni, Elena D’Ambrosio, Pompeo Vagliani, Francesca Pizzigoni, Michela D’Alessio, Milena Cossetto, Annemarie Augschöll, Daniela Brighigni, Horst Schiffler, Luis Vidigal, Guida Maria Aguiar de Carvalho, Verónica Sierra Blas, María del Mar del Pozo Andrés, Bienvenido Martín Fraile, Isabel Ramos Ruiz, José María Hernández Díaz, Xavier Laborda, Héctor Rubén Cucuzza, Monica Galfré, Luigi Marrella, Fabio Targhetta, Elisabeth Erdmann, Matthias Huth, Alla Salnikova, Nemo Villeggia, Carla Callegari, Pablo Pineau, António Gomes Alves Ferreira, Ariclê Vechia, Ademir Valdir dos Santos, Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Pellerey, Branko Sˇusˇtar, Ana Chrystina Mignot, Francesca Tancini, Francesca Cesari, Giovanna Alatri, Francesca Gagliardo, Kira Mahamud Angulo, José Luis Hernández Huerta, Ana María Badanelli Rubio, Laura Martínez Martín, Sara Ramos Zamora, María del Carmen Fernández, Elisa Welti, Rubén Biselli, Giovanni Genovesi, Mirella D’Ascenzo, Gianluca Gabrielli, Luciana Bellatalla, Nicola S. Barbieri, Elena Marescotti, Francesca Borruso, Francesco Ascoli, Olga Rossi Cassottana, Dorena Caroli, Christian Alain Muller, Anne Werffeli, Sjaak Braster, Andreas Pehnke, Paul Aubin, Maja Nikolova, Luisa Revelli, Matilde Biondi, Alberto Barausse, Iria Tancon, Giovanna Carrarini, Quinto Antonelli, Lorenzo Cantatore, Pablo Colotta, Frederik Herman, Mélanie Surmont, Marc Depaepe, Angelo Van Gorp, Frank Simon, Tom Woodin, Daniel Lindmark, Vitaly Bezrogov, Bojana Petric´, Weiping Fang, Xia Zhao, Giordana Merlo, Walter Cesana.

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Polistampa, 2010

A cura di:

Pagine: 1616

Caratteristiche: cart., 96 tavv. col.

col, 96 plates, hardcover

Volumi: 2

Formato: 17x24

ISBN: 978-88-596-0724-3
