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From Economists to Economists

The International Spread of Italian Economic Thought, 1750-1950

Testo inglese

19,75 € 23,24

Questo libro contiene 12 saggi che esaminano la diffusione a livello internazionale dell’economia italiana in 8 paesi, nello specifico Inghilterra, Francia, Germania e Austria, Portogallo, Spagna, Svezia e USA. Usando differenti approcci, gli autori hanno discusso circa la reputazione internazionale dell’economia italiana tra il 1750 e il 1950. La ricostruzione del flusso di idee tra economisti ci fornisce una comprensione originale della rete intellettuale (includendo istituzioni, accademie, giornali specializzati e autorità politiche) attraverso cui l’economia italiana era trasmessa e circolava. Inoltre, aiuta a misurare e spiegare il grado specifico di influenza che gli economisti italiani impiegavano nei diversi contesti internazionali e tra i vari gruppi di studiosi. Galiani, Verri, Beccaria, Pantaleoni, Pareto, la scuola italiana di finanza pubblica e gli economisti italiani negli anni tra le guerre sono tra gli autori la cui reputazione, conoscenza e influenza sono state studiate in questi saggi.

This book contains 12 essays which examine the international diffusion of Italian economic thought in 8 countries, namely England, France, Germany and Austria, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United States. Using different approaches, the contributors to this book discuss the international reputation of Italian economists between 1750 and 1950. This reconstruction of the flow of ideas from economists to economists provides original insights on the intellectual network (including institutions, learned societies, specialised journals and political authorities)in wich Italian economic thought was transmitted and circulated. It also serves to measure and explain the specific degree of influence which Italian economists managed to exert within different international contexts and among different groups of scholars. Galiani, Verri, Beccaria, Pantaleoni, Pareto, the Italian school of public finance and the Italian Economists in the interwar years are some of the authors whose reputation, knowledge and influence has been thoroughly investigated in these essays.

This book contains 12 essays which examine the international diffusion of Italian economic thought in 8 countries, namely England, France, Germany and Austria, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United States. Using different approaches, the contributors to this book discuss the international reputation of Italian economists between 1750 and 1950. This reconstruction of the flow of ideas from economists to economists provides original insights on the intellectual network (including institutions, learned societies, specialised journals and political authorities)in wich Italian economic thought was transmitted and circulated. It also serves to measure and explain the specific degree of influence which Italian economists managed to exert within different international contexts and among different groups of scholars. Galiani, Verri, Beccaria, Pantaleoni, Pareto, the Italian school of public finance and the Italian Economists in the interwar years are some of the authors whose reputation, knowledge and influence has been thoroughly investigated in these essays.

Polistampa, 2001

A cura di:

Pagine: 368

Caratteristiche: br.


Formato: 16x24

ISBN: 978-88-8304-352-9

Economisti Italiani, 4
