Elisabetta Novello

Elisabetta Novello

Elisabetta Novello, professore Associato in Storia economica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Geografiche e dell’Antichità dell’Università degli Studi di Padova. È titolare dei corsi di Storia economica, Storia Ambientale, Food and Wine History, Anthropology and Society e Storia orale. Ha pubblicato libri e articoli sulla storia della bonifica in Italia e nella regione Veneto, saggi di storia urbana e rurale, storia economica, storia ambientale e storia orale. È responsabile scientifico del Laboratorio di Storia Orale dell’Università di Padova, all’interno del quale ha coordinato progetti di storia economica, sociale e ambientale. È direttore scientifico di “Terrevolute”, il progetto multidisciplinare dedicato alla valorizzazione del patrimonio materiale e immateriale dei Consorzi di bonifica. È coordinatrice del Comitato Scientifico Nazionale del Progetto ‘Terrevolute 2022’ dell’ANBI. È curatrice e responsabile scientifico di Terrevolute | Festival della bonifica.

Since 2015 Elisabetta Novello has been Associate Professor in Economic History at the Department of Historical Geographical and Antiquity Sciences (DISSGeA) of the Padua University (Italy). In 1990 she took a degree in Letters at the University of Padua. In 1997 she obtained her PhD in “Urban and Rural History” from the University of Perugia with a thesis on: “The reclamation of the Veneto from the Unification of Italy to the 1930s’”; In 1996-1997 she took part in an international research project of the Padua operative unit on the subject "Historical Roots and Recent Economic and Social Transformation Processes: Reclamations, Agriculture, 'Industrial Areas' Finance and Capitalism in the Veneto region”. in academic year 2000 she was awarded a four years University of Padua Scholarship for research on History of Italian Industrialization. Since 2001 she has been researcher at the Department of History of the Padua University. Since 2004 she has taken part as an interviewer and head of research in the collection of oral testimonies for numerous projects on social and economic issues. She is head of the Oral History Laboratory of the History Department at the University of Padua. Since April 2006 she is member of the Italian Association of Oral History. Since 2010 she is member of the International Research Group on “Crises and Changes in the European Countryside in the long run” (CRICEC). In June-July 2013 she participated at the Boston University/Università di Padova exchange program thanks to a scholarship on the project: Water out of control. Policies adopted in Italy in response to extraordinary natural events in a comparative European perspective. In 2014 she qualified as Associate professor in Economic History and Contemporary History.
Teaching: Since academic year 2003-2004 she teaches “History of Agricolture” at the University of Padua, Faculty of Agraria; since March 2006 she teaches “Economic History” in the Master in Historical Sciences and “”Skills, occupations and industrial production: the importance of oral sources” in the Master Erasmus Mundus: Tecniques, Patrimoine, Territoires de l’industrie (Industrial Heritage, Techniques, Territories). In the academic year 2013-14 she also taught “Local Development: time framing” in the Master in Local Development. In academic year 2015-2016 she teach Environmental History.

Libri scritti da Elisabetta Novello