Edward Frederic Benson

Edward Frederic Benson

Edward Frederic Benson (1867 - 1940), narratore, saggista e biografo inglese, nacque a Wellington College dove suo padre, che più tardi doveva divenire Arcivescovo di Canterbury, era preside. Oltre all’attività accademica a Marlborough e al King’s College di Cambridge, si dedicò all’archeologia e agli studi classici. Fra i due secoli Benson produsse un numero incredibile di opere di narrativa di evasione e di carattere biografico. Ma è per il suo contributo all’evoluzione del racconto del perturbante che ancora oggi viene ricordato e riproposto.

Edward Frederic Benson (1867-1940), narrator, essayist and English biographer, was borne in Wellington College where his father, who was later to become Archbishop of Canterbury, was dean. In addition to the academic activity it Marlborough and at the King’s College of Cambridge, he dedicated himself to archaeology and classical studies. Between the two centuries, Benson produced an incredible number of works of escapist fiction and biography. But it is for his contribution to the evolution of the tale of the uncanny that he is still remembered and re-proposed today.

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